Become a study support mentor or note-taker!
Take the opportunity to help to improve the study situation of a student in need of learning support and gain valuable experience at the same time. Note that you need to have a Swedish personal identity number ('personnummer') to be able to start a mentorship or note-taking assignment.
– Published 28 March 2023
Right now, Disability Support Services are looking for students who want to become study support mentors or note-taking support for students who have extra challenges in the study situation.
The role of the study support mentor largely depends on the support needs of the student. Usually, it is a question of helping the student to structure, plan and organise their studies. It may also involve sorting and prioritising assignments and reading, setting intermediary goals and drawing up weekly plans.
The note-taking assignment means that you digitally share clear notes after each lecture and seminar, providing them to one or more students who have been granted learning support.
Note that you need to have a Swedish personal identity number ('personnummer') to be able to start a mentorship or note-taking assignment.
Read more about the different assignments and how to register at: Become a study support mentor or note-taker | Lund University