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Sommarskola och kortare utbyten

Som student vid Lunds universitet finns det möjlighet att studera utomlands eller delta i en blandad och/eller kortare mobilitet. För vissa av dessa aktiviteter ingår stipendier. Nominering till sommarskolan påverkar inte dina chanser om du vill söka andra utbyten.

Sommarskolorna riktar sig till LTH-studenter i åk 1-4. 

Sommarskolor via LTH

Information om sommarskolor som kan sökas via LTH uppdateras varje januari-februari.

  • Informationsmöte: 5 februari 2025, kl. 12:15-13:00, V:D
  • Datum för sommarskolan i Xiamen, Kina: 23 juni - 19 juli 2025
  • Ansökningsperiod till LTH: 10-20 februari 2025
  • Avgift: Ingen kostnad
  • Boende och resekostnader: Egen finansiering
  • Behörighet: Du som student ska vid ansökningstillfället har klarat minst 90hp inom programmet inklusive VVRA01 för W och VVRA05 för V
  • Inriktning: Kursen (VVRF05) ger 7,5 hp och ges från april-september, där 4 veckor är förlagda i Kina. Genom ett projektarbete tillsammans med kinesiska studenter får du erfarenhet av interkulturellt samarbete i en internationell miljö.

Kursplan (Kurswebben LTH)

Frågor om kursen hänvisas till Linus Zhang, teknisk vattenresurslära.

Frågor om ansökan hänvisas till Internationella avdelningen LTH.


Ansök om att bli nominerad online i SoleMOVE (SoleMOVE's ansökningsportal)

  1. Statement of Purpose
    Ett motivationsbrev på engelska där du motiverar varför just du ska få chansen att åka. Max 1 A4-sida.
  2. Curriculum Vitae (CV)
    På engelska med foto.

LTH:s Internationella avdelning tillsammans Linus Zhang, teknisk vattenresurslära, gör ett urval baserat på medelbetyget och motivationsbrevet. 

Sommarkurser via Lunds universitet på egen hand

Som student vid Lunds universitet har du möjlighet att studera vid något av våra partneruniversitet under sommaren.

  • 25 januari 2025-5 februari 2025
Universitet Sommar 2025
  • Aarhus Summer University, Danmark
  • Syddansk Universitet (SDU) lnternational Summer School, Danmark
  • Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) lnternational Summer School, Hong Kong
  • Nordic Center Fudan Summer School, Kina
  • Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) Summer Research lnternship, Kina
  • Korea University (KU) lnternational Summer Campus, Korea
  • Utrecht Summer School, Nederländerna

Mer information om sommaraktiviteterna, ansökningsinstruktioner samt bedömningskriterier finns på länken nedan under ansökningsperioden:

Externa sommarkurser (Lunds universitets webbsida) 

Sommarkurser på egen hand

Det kommer kontinuerligt in tips om sommarkurser från LTH:s partner-universitet. De som verkar extra intressanta för LTH-studenter publiceras här löpande.

Internationella avdelningen bistår med information om sommarkurser & kortare utbyten som du söker helt på egen hand. Ofta är sommarkurserna förknippade med avgifter och finansieringen står du som student för. 

OBS! Inga tillgodoräknande kan garanteras - tala med din programledare.

The Brazilian Seminars developed by PUC-Rio is an interdisciplinary program meant to give a broad perspective of Brazilian issues which are currently in the global scenario.

It is aimed at students, scholars, professionals and everyone else who is interested in the opportunity to deepen their knowledge about Brazil. The technical visits are offered to promote the encounter of the academic theory with the real life of companies and entrepreneurs located in Rio. Participants have the chance to interact with people in management positions providing significant insights about doing business in Brazil. Portuguese language instruction, cultural and social activities will complement the Brazilian experience.

Program structure: The program's structure will be the same is the previous years: 52 class-hours offered through 18 lectures on different topics + 8h dedicated to technical visits + a great range of cultural and social activities. It is also possible to combine the program with 20h or 40h of Portuguese language - offered before and after the Brazilian seminars program itself.

Program Calendar:

  • Brazilian Seminars course dates: July 17–1 August, 2025
  • Portuguese language intensive course - Part I (20h): July 14-17, 2025
  • Portuguese language intensive course - Part II (20h): August 4-8, 2025
  • Application opens: November 4, 2024
  • Early Bird application deadline: April 30, 2025
  • Application deadline: May 31, 2025

Visit our website for more detailed information:
Should you have any questions about the Brazilian Seminars program, please, do not hesitate to contact us at

A four-week experience for international undergraduate students at one of the world's top universities. UBC VSP is as much about academics as it is about social and cultural experiences. This summer, nurture your academic pursuits, build friendships, and expand your perspective of the world around you.

Vancouver Summer Program

The Summer University DTU programme offers courses with instruction entirely in English for BSc and MSc students of engineering or related natural science programmes. 


  • Deadline: 15 March
  • In order to be nominated, please contact International Office LTH at
  • Once nominated, the students will get information from the system on how to proceed with the application.

More information: International Summer University

AgroParisTech, France's leading life sciences engineering school within the Université Paris Saclay (France's first and the world's 15th largest university) is opening its first Summer program on SUSTAINABLE FOOD SYSTEMS, BIOTECHONOLOGIES AND BIOCOSMETICS, lasting seven weeks from June 2 to July 18, 2025.

This research-oriented program is open to English-speaking students from 3rd year Undergraduate and Masters to the French engineering curriculum. It is aimed exclusively at students enrolled in scientific and technological universities,

  • Regular fees: 4,000 €
  • Partner universities fees: 3,200 €

Students enrolled at one of AgroParisTech's partner universities benefit from a preferential rate with a discount of 800 €.

Application and other info

After two years of break the next 2025 Ginsen Summer School edition is confirmed! It will take place in Grenoble (France) from June 16th to July 15th, 2025 (4 weeks)!

The applications will be open until March 31st, 2025 here:

Discover our brand new offer: a 4-weeks hybride programme fully taught in English with 1 online week and 3 presential weeks in Grenoble. We'll offer two options, Smart Energy or Micro/Nanotechnology courses, and many socio-cultural activities such as visits of scientific sites and labs, hikings, escape-games, language tandems, etc. Students will also have survival French lectures, intercultural communication outputs and many occasions to learn about the French culture. They will also have the chance to experience the French National Day on July 14th !

The fees are 3500€ and include:
  • All lectures and practical sessions
  • Accommodation in Grenoble, 1 private room per student
  • Visits to high-tech facilities
  • Planned extracurricular activities
  • Medical insurance, covering medical expenses and bills for the entire duration of the summer programme
  • Civil liability
More information:

The ISAE Group has the pleasure to announce the lauching and opening of the online registrations for the new edition of the Aerospace Summer Program 2025!  This program is fully taught in English. It is a unique opportunity for students to study and discover 3 towns in France this coming summer.

The AEROSPACE Summer program in a nutshell:
  • Dates: June 2 to July 4 2025
  • Eligible students: undergraduate junior and senior students with a strong interest in space and aviation
  • Reduced fees: Students from a partner university : 6500€ (Individual student 8000€)
  • Application deadline: January 17, 2025.   Follow the instructions of the application section How to apply and complete the application form
  • Academic programme: 4 academic modules as well as 1 module dedicated to French language and culture (no prior knowledge of French is required).  It also includes technical on-site visits of industrial partners, cultural events and French life experience! 
  • Credits: 12 ECTS Credits for the full program (including the French module)

Nordtek är ett nätverk för civilingenjörsstudenter som gör det möjligt att söka utbyte vid universitet i Norden och Baltikum, utöver de universitet som LTH redan är partneruniversitet med. Nordtek erbjuder bl.a. sommarkurser vid tekniska högskolor i Norden och Baltikum.

Information om Nordtek sommarskolor (Nordteks hemsida)

We are thrilled to invite you to our 25th edition of Global Summer School 2025 at Universidad Pontificia Comillas, located in the vibrant heart of Madrid!

Our Summer School offers a unique academic and cultural experience, allowing students to gain in-depth knowledge, develop professional skills, and explore Spain’s rich heritage. Through high-quality courses, corporate and cultural visits, and networking opportunities, students will expand their international perspective while enjoying an unforgettable summer.

Academic Courses (Available in Spanish & English)

Students can choose from a variety of credit-bearing courses in:

  • Law & International Relations
  • Business & Management
  • Engineering & Technology
  • Humanities & Social Sciences
  • Nursing & Health Sciences
  • Languages
Key Information
  • Location: Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Madrid, Spain
  • Dates: Courses take place between 9 June – 18 July 2025
  • Discount: Early registration and additional discounts available – check our website!
For more details & applications:

ETH SSRF 2025: Applications now open!

The Computer Science Department at ETH Zurich will once again open its doors in the summer of 2025 to students participating in the Student Summer Research Fellowship (ETH SSRF) programme. This programme is open to undergraduate and graduate students from around the world, and provides an opportunity for students to actively participate in research groups for new or existing projects. This allows visiting students a platform to focus on research in an area of their choice, under the guidance of mentors from ETH. It also gives students the opportunity to work and connect with a group of like-minded colleagues from across the globe, while gaining valuable research experience.

The fellowship is provided by the Computer Science Department of ETH Zurich, and takes place over two months during the summer. Twenty international students are selected each year, with each participant receiving a scholarship covering travel, accommodation and living expenses for the duration of the programme.

The application period is from 1 November until 16 December 2024 at 13.00 (CET)

More information on the application process and its requirements can be found on the ETH SSRF website:

The ETH Robotics Student Fellowship (ETH RSF) program offers graduate students the opportunity to research alongside experts on the specific topic of robotics of their choice. The awarded fellows will carry out cutting edge research in different areas of robotics (check out last year fellows). This fellowship will take place during summer (June 30 - August 29) and is open to all students worldwide.

Application period from January 13 to February 25 – 2025.

Kortare utbyten

Fler möjligheter till kortare utbyten finns nedan. 

If you are a student registered for full-time studies at Lund University, you are able to apply to participate in the Blended Intensive Programme Internet of Things @ 3D Printing at University of Novi Sad, Serbia.

Number of ECTS: 3

Time frame:

1 April-9 May 2025 (virtual programme)
19 May – 23 May 2025 (physical programme)

Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the significant trends in modern technology. Internet-enabled devices are omnipresent and always connected to the Internet and to each other. Their application ranges from personal, such as mobile phones, smart home appliances to the wide industrial scale, such as production line monitoring and connected cars. Their constant connectivity generates large amounts of data, which is used for analysis, resulting in reduction of costs, improved safety, and an overall increase in quality of life.

It is inevitable that today’s students will encounter IoT in their future jobs. Therefore, it is of crucial importance for students to be introduced to the underlying principles, technologies, and procedures of IoT, truly understand its impact and be able to use it in their work.

Content of the course:

Virtual part: 1 April - 9 May 2025

  • Introduction to the UNS BIP programme and its venue
  • Introduction to IoT: Arduino and ESP32 microcontrollers
  • Application of IoT in research, process automation and everyday life
  • C++ programming for Arduino
  • Analog and digital sensors
  • Data recording and storing in databases
  • Data processing and analysis
  • Cloud services and IoT
  • Introduction to 3D Design and 3D Printing:
    Essentials of Computer Aided Design;
    3D printing step-by-step
  • Q&A

 Physical part: 19–23 May 2025

(interactive lectures, presentations, workshops, case study discussions, visits)

  • Welcome and opening ceremony
  • Lab: Sensor reading and user input with Arduino
  • Lab: Showing measurements on display text and graphical devices
  • Lab: Data recording, Processing and Analysis
  • Lab: Uploading data to the cloud, Remote control
  • Lab: 3D Design and 3D printing (wearables, devices enclosures, etc.)
  • How to incorporate IoT in teaching – goals and challenges (round table, presentations)
  • Cultural visits, tours and joint social events related to UNS, Novi Sad, Vojvodina and Serbia
  • Closing ceremony


Send the following documents to

  1. CV
  2. Transcript of records for the level of study
  3. Motivation letter (with reference to the level of computer/programming skills)
  4. Proof of English level knowledge

Application deadline:

  • 31 January 2025

Financial support during the physical part of the course (19 May – 23 May 2025)

If you are accepted for the course, you are eligible to apply for Erasmus+ scholarship for studies (553 EUR for subsistence, incl. housing plus 309 EUR as travel contribution). Information about how to apply for an Erasmus+scholarship can be found here.

For questions about the course:

For questions about the Erasmus+ scholarship:

Live a memorable experience at INSA Lyon, the National Institute of Science and Technology, one of France's leading engineering schools. Human'INSA is a 3-week program in June-July 2025. 

Track 1. Students should choose between:
  • Option 1. Humanitarian Engineering
  • Option 2. Artificial Intelligence
Track 2. French Language and Cross-Cultural Communication
  • Track 2 is compulsory.
  • Introduction to French as a foreign language and development of intercultural competence.

Who can apply

  • All Science and Engineering students at undergraduate or graduate level
  • Tracks 1 and 2 are entry-level courses, with Track 1 requiring prerequisites in algorithmics and any programming language
  • French language classes in Track 2 are divided into groups from beginners to advanced-level students

How to apply

  • Application period: From February 3, 2025 to April 30, 2025
  • More information about costs, activities etc.: HUMAN'INSA

VILNIUS TECH is pleased to invite students in Biomedical, Medical, Biomechanical, and Rehabilitation Engineering studies to participate in our Blended Intensive Programme (BIP), titled “Sensor Driven Modelling for Healthy Living".

The programme will take place in May 2025:

  • Virtual component: 5-9 May 2025
  • Physical component: 19-23 May 2025.

The deadline for registering is 5 April 2025. Interested participants can register here: BIP: Sensor Driven Modelling for Healthy Living.

Download Overview of BIP: Sensor Driven Modelling for Healthy Living

Students can be awarded scholarships for express mobility, up to 1 month.

Length of stay: The minimum duration of express mobility is one week (5 working days), maximum 30 days.
Objectives: Summer schools and/or courses, intensive programmes etc.

Condition of scholarship

Express mobility scholarships are awarded according to the same guidelines, criteria’s and rules as regular student mobility grants. See more information under Scholarships for Students. Generally, NORDTEK students should not pay any fees to the host institution.

Nordplus express scholarship amount

Scholarship consists of travel and accommodation support. Scholarship rates are stated in the Nordplus guidelines. If NORDTEK has funding left, we can support express mobility applications on first come first served basis.

This Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) on Circular Economy is aimed at Master's and PhD students interested in the field of engineering, technology, or science who wish to complement their knowledge in the area of circular economy through alternative pedagogical methodologies that combine distance and face-to-face teaching activities through a period of mobility.

The curricular unit includes 81 total hours, where 26 contact hours are distributed by one week (16 h) of presential activities, including field visits, talks, and group work, and 10 hours of virtual sessions, including the introductory session, talks/seminars with experts, presentation, and pre-analysis of the case studies and final presentations of the assignments.

The teaching and pedagogical program will allow the students to:

  • Understand the concept of circular economy, main principles, actions and models;
  • Analyze the current linear models, based on practical cases, and review them in light of the circular economy;
  • Identify opportunities for improvement in current processes and products;
  • Develop and influence new relations of production, distribution, and consumption;
  • Develop transversal competences, such as problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity, and leadership through interdisciplinary group work.

Important dates

  • 09/06 – 29/06 – virtual component
  • 30/06 – 04/07 – physical component in Porto
  • 05/07 – 18/07 – virtual component

Application deadline: March 17th, 2025, using this form.

Complete Info:


Sommarkurser via Lunds universitet

Sommar 2025

Ansökan: 25 jan-5 feb

Page Manager: | 2025-02-10