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Sommarskola och kortare utbyten

Som student vid Lunds universitet finns det möjlighet att studera utomlands eller delta i en blandad och/eller kortare mobilitet. För vissa av dessa aktiviteter ingår stipendier. Nominering till sommarskolan påverkar inte dina chanser om du vill söka andra utbyten.

Sommarskolorna riktar sig till LTH-studenter i åk 1-4. 

Sommarskolor via LTH

Information om sommarskolor som kan sökas via LTH uppdateras varje januari.

Du som läser tredje eller fjärde året på LTH:s civilingenjörsprogram har möjlighet att söka till Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship på California Institute of Technology, Caltech.

SURF (Institutionen för Reglertekniks webbsida)

Caltech (Caltechs webbsida)

Frågor hänvisas till Anders Rantzer,


Ansökningsperiod: 15 oktober - 15 november 2023 kl. 23:59 inför sommaren 2023.

Din ansökan ska innehålla följande:

  1. Statement of Purpose
    Ett motivationsbrev på engelska där du motiverar varför just du ska få chansen att åka. Max 1 A4-sida.
  2. Curriculum Vitae (CV)
    På engelska med foto.
  3. Betygsutdrag på engelska
    Skriv ut från Ladok eller be om ett intyg på Studiecentrum, i receptionen

Dokumenten skickas in som en samlad PDF till Namnge dokumentet med ditt namn, program och SURF. Exempelvis: Namn Namnsson B SURF. OBS! Ansökningar som inte uppfyller dessa krav riskerar att inte beaktas.

  • Datum för sommarskolan: Juli - augusti
  • Datum för ansökan till LTH: 1 - 15 februari 2024
  • Avgift: Ingen kostnad
  • Boende och resekostnader: Egen finansiering
  • Behörighet: ÅK 1-4
  • Poäng: För frågor om tillgodoräknande kontakta din programplanerare
  • Inriktning: Sommarskolan involverar en månads praktik (forskning tillsammans med en professor) på en av Nagasaki University's olika fakulteter, samt ett två-veckors seminarium på fakulteten för miljövetenskap
  • Urval: LTH:s Internationella avdelning gör ett urval baserat på medelbetyget och motivationsbrevet. Först när du nominerats av LTH:s Internationella avdelning kan du ansöka till sommarskolan.

Tidigare reseberättelser (Lunds universitets webbsida) Sök efter ”Nagasaki” i fritextfältet

Sommarskolans upplägg: 

  1. Praktik
    Ett brett urval ämnen erbjuds inom både samhällsvetenskap och naturvetenskap beroende på intresse. Exempel på område är: analytisk / grön kemi, toxikologi, avfallshantering, fysiologi, bioteknik, geologi, psykologi, miljövård, miljölagstiftning, ekonomi, sociologi, internationella relationer, förvaltning och planering.
  2. Seminarium 
    Föreläsningar om japansk miljöpolitik och förvaltning samt forskning och teknologi kring miljöfrågor i både japan och asien. Förutom föreläsningar ingår studieresor, gruppdiskussioner, presentationer och sociala event. 

Mer info: Summer School AERRI 2024 Nagasaki


Ansök om att bli nominerad online i SoleMOVE (SoleMOVE's ansökningsportal)

  1. Statement of Purpose
    Ett motivationsbrev på engelska där du motiverar varför just du ska få chansen att åka. Max 1 A4-sida.
  2. Curriculum Vitae (CV)
    På engelska med foto.

LTH:s Internationella avdelning gör ett urval baserat på medelbetyget och motivationsbrevet. Först när du nominerats av LTH:s Internationella avdelning kan du ansöka till sommarskolan.

  • Informationsmöte: 1 februari 2024, kl. 12:15-13:00, V:D
  • Datum för sommarskolan i Xiamen, Kina: 23 juni - 19 juli 2024
  • Ansökningsperiod till LTH: 1-15 februari 2024
  • Avgift: Ingen kostnad
  • Boende och resekostnader: Egen finansiering
  • Behörighet: Du som student ska vid ansökningstillfället har klarat minst 90hp inom programmet inklusive VVRA01/VVR11 för W och VVRA05/VVR145 för V
  • Inriktning: Kursen (VVRF05) ger 7,5 hp och ges från april-september, där 4 veckor är förlagda i Kina. Genom ett projektarbete tillsammans med kinesiska studenter får du erfarenhet av interkulturellt samarbete i en internationell miljö.

Kursplan (Kurswebben LTH)

Frågor om kursen hänvisas till Linus Zhang, teknisk vattenresurslära.

Frågor om ansökan hänvisas till Internationella avdelningen LTH.


Ansök om att bli nominerad online i SoleMOVE (SoleMOVE's ansökningsportal)

  1. Statement of Purpose
    Ett motivationsbrev på engelska där du motiverar varför just du ska få chansen att åka. Max 1 A4-sida.
  2. Curriculum Vitae (CV)
    På engelska med foto.

LTH:s Internationella avdelning tillsammans Linus Zhang, teknisk vattenresurslära, gör ett urval baserat på medelbetyget och motivationsbrevet. 

Sommarkurser via Lunds universitet på egen hand

Som student vid Lunds universitet har du möjlighet att studera vid något av våra partneruniversitet under sommaren.

Externa sommarkurser (Lunds universitets webbsida) 

Sommarkurser på egen hand

Det kommer kontinuerligt in tips om sommarkurser från LTH:s partner-universitet. De som verkar extra intressanta för LTH-studenter publiceras här löpande.

Internationella avdelningen bistår med information om sommarkurser som du söker helt på egen hand. Ofta är sommarkurserna förknippade med avgifter och finansieringen står du som student för. 

OBS! Inga tillgodoräknande kan garanteras - tala med din programledare.

Sommarkurser via LTH:s nätverk

Nordtek är ett nätverk för civilingenjörsstudenter som gör det möjligt att söka utbyte vid universitet i Norden och Baltikum, utöver de universitet som LTH redan är partneruniversitet med. Nordtek erbjuder bl.a. sommarkurser vid tekniska högskolor i Norden och Baltikum.

Information om Nordtek sommarskolor (Nordteks hemsida)

Andra tips på sommarkurser (på egen hand)

Uppdateras löpande mellan november och maj. 

At Universidad Pontificia Comillas, we are delighted to offer a series of summer courses designed to enrich and complement the education of your students. Our institution has been distinguished for providing high-quality educational programs spanning a variety of disciplines and fields of interest.

Our summer courses are designed to provide a unique educational experience that goes beyond traditional classrooms, offering students the opportunity to explore new topics, develop skills, and broaden their intellectual horizons. We are committed to providing a stimulating and enriching learning environment that fosters the academic and personal growth of each student.

One of the key aspects of our summer courses is the variety of subjects we offer this year, ranging from business to the healthcare sector, which we believe may be of great interest to your students.

We would be delighted to welcome your students and have them enjoy the experience of studying with us and living in the wonderful city of Madrid.

For more information:

Study fields: Korean Media, Culture, Business, Humanities and Social Sciences 

Program Period : June 24 – July 19, 2024

  • Session 1: June 24 – July 5, 2024
  • Session 2: July 8 – July 19, 2024


  • Application fee: KRW 100,000
  • Tuition fee: KRW 1,100,000/ course

Partner University discount :Students from DU’s partner university will get 50% tuition off.

All further necessary information can be found in the attached brochure.

2024 Dongguk International Summer School Information Broschure


The University of Edinburgh is running Summer School credit-bearing, 2-week courses for students currently studying at undergraduate level (1 – 12 July, 2024). Applications close for all summer school UG courses on Monday 20 May.

We are also offering a 10% discount to our partner institutions. We offer:

  • two week credit bearing courses for students with at least one year’s experience in a STEM subject at undergraduate level. Download our leaflet: STEM Leaflet
  • two or four week credit bearing courses for undergraduate students. Download our leaflet: CHASS Leaflet


Any questions please don’t hesitate to contact:

Amgen Scholars Programme 2024

ETH Zurich offers 11 scholarships for a summer research stay within the Amgen Scholars Programme. The programme applies to students studying for a Bachelor’s degree at a European university. The ten-week biotechnological Programme covers nine weeks of intensive research in a state-of-the art laboratory in Zurich or Basel. Working as part of a research team, you will have the opportunity to interact with leading scientists and doctoral students. A closing highlight of the programme is the joint symposium for all European Amgen Scholars in Cambridge, UK. In addition to conducting hands-on research, as an Amgen Scholar at ETH you will attend workshops and events offering both insights into state-of-the art research and the opportunity to learn cross-cutting skills such as communication, scientific writing and intercultural skills.  

Application period: November 1, 2023 - February 1, 2024.

Please find further details on the Websites:

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The Computer Science Department at ETH Zurich will once again open its doors in the summer of 2024 to students participating in the Student Summer Research Fellowship (ETH SSRF) programme. This programme is open to undergraduate and graduate students from around the world, and provides an opportunity for students to actively participate in research groups for new or existing projects. This allows visiting students a platform to focus on research in an area of their choice, under the guidance of mentors from ETH. It also gives students the opportunity to work and connect with a group of like-minded colleagues from across the globe, while gaining valuable research experience.

The fellowship is provided by the Computer Science Department of ETH Zurich, and takes place over two months during the summer. Twenty international students are selected each year, with each participant receiving a scholarship covering travel, accommodation and living expenses for the duration of the programme.

Application period: 1 November until 15 December 2023, 13:00 CET.  

More information on the application process and its requirements can be found on the ETH SSRF website:

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ETH Robotics Student Fellowship 2024

The ETH Robotics Student Fellowship (ETH RSF) program offers graduate students the opportunity to research alongside experts on the specific topic of robotics of their choice. The awarded fellows will carry out cutting edge research in different areas of robotics (check out last year fellows). This fellowship will take place during summer (July 01 - August 31) and is open to all students worldwide.

Application period: January 15 - February 29, 2024.

The HKUST Engineering Summer Camp for Elite Students 2024 is now open for applications!

The HKUST Engineering Summer Camp for Elite Students 2024, organized by the School of Engineering of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), will be held at HKUST in Hong Kong on 22-26 July 2024.

The eligibility of applicants is as follows:

  • Undergraduate or master’s students in engineering-related disciplines from a recognized institution outside Hong Kong
  • Demonstrate outstanding qualities of academic performance and research potential
  • Proficient in English

This is an incredible opportunity for a transformative journey, with the program fee waived and airfare sponsorship provided for shortlisted participants from around the world.

For details, please visit the website: HKUST Engineering Summer Camp for Elite Students 2024 

We are pleased to inform you of the launch of the 1st International Summer School on Micro and Nano-fabrication tools for innovating applied electronics and fundamental research (MINATO 2024) that will be held in Toulouse (France) from June 24th to July 19th

Micro and Nano technologies are nowadays “Key Enabling Technologies” for innovating applied science (electronics, high sensitivity sensors, energy harvesting and storage, quantum technology…) and fundamental research in numerous experimental fields (physics, chemistry, electronics, photonics, …). The Summer School aims at introducing micro&nano fabrication techniques, with a hands-on interdisciplinary approach that alternates lectures and experimental practices (more than 50% of time) at AIME-INSA clean rooms.

MINATO is aimed at students wishing to acquire initial training and skills in the field of micro and nanotechnologies, and discovering the so-called "French art the vivre" in the south of France.

Students will design their own summer school program with one (for 2 weeks) or two lab work (4 weeks) training sessions among:

  • Track 1: Microelectronics - MOS (metal-oxide-semiconductor) technology
  • Track 2: Energy - Integrated energy harvesting and storage technologies
  • Track 3: Nano chemistry - Chemical sensors based on nano-objects
  • Track 4: Nano physics - Remarkable properties of devices integrating 2D materials
  • Track 5: Quantum physics and technology – Ultrasensitive Sensors and quantum cryptography.

Our objective is to bring together a diverse, multi-cultural public with different educational backgrounds (degrees from bachelor of science and up to PhD level, in the fields of mathematics, electronics, physics and chemistry) to encourage cooperation, cultural and scientific exchanges.

MINATO, fully taught in English, is organized by INSA Toulouse engineer school and NanoX graduate school of research and will credit 5 ECTS and 10 ECTS for 2 and 4 weeks programs respectively.

Numerous social events and guided tours to Airbus facilities, in world heritage sites by UNESCO (Carcassonne, Canal du Midi, …) will be organized.

Registrations are now open until the 29 april 2024.

Download the MINATO flyer

For more information and registration:

The ISAE Group Aerospace Summer program (ASP) 2024 is launched!

ASP 2024 in a nutshell

  • Eligible students:  undergraduate junior and senior students with a strong interest in space and aviation
  • Dates : June 5 to July 5, 2024
  • Application  deadline:  February 16, 2024. Complete the application form
  • Reduced fees : Students from a partner university: 6500€ (Individual student 8000€)
  • Academic programme:  4  academic modules as well as 1 module dedicated to French language and culture (no prior knowledge of French is required).  It also includes technical on-site visits of industrial partners, cultural events and French life experience! 
  • Credits:  12 ECTS Credits for the full program (including the French module)
  • Syllabus of the courses

Read more: 


What about coming to Finland for LUT Summer School and gaining a deep understanding of contemporary, relevant topics in the field of Climate Change, Sustainability, Creativity, Combination of Business and Technology, all the while experiencing the beauty of Finland in the summer?

We offer you to get unforgettable experience in an international environment of one of the most popular summer cities in Finland.

  • 1 – 3 weeks, June – July 2024
  • Application deadline: 31 May 2024
  • The early-bird discount 10% is available by 1.3.2024

Click the links below and explore more about this opportunity: 

Riga Technical University (RTU) in cooperation with the training centre SIA Magnetic Professional, the telecommunications innovation company LMT with the support of the knowledge and innovation community EIT Digital of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) organizes an international summer school Cyber Security - Agile Methodology for Developing New Solutions, which will take place from July 8 to 12 in Riga and Liepāja.

Senior undergraduate and master's level students, as well as other interested parties who want to improve their cyber security skills and knowledge, are invited to apply for participation in the summer school. We encourage to use "Erasmus +" grant opportunities. 

The summer school will take place for five days in person in two cities and, involving the municipality of of Liepāja and RTU Liepāja Academy in the training process, addressing the challenges of civil defence, as well as the challenges of the 5G open network of the mobile operator and technology innovation company LMT.

The goal of the summer school Cyber Security - Agile Methodology for Developing New Solutions is to improve the knowledge and skills of its participants in cyber security and 5G topics using Agile (Scrum) methodology. Lectures will be conducted by leading experts in the field, combining them with practical exercises and game elements. Also, the participants of the summer school will be given the opportunity to visit companies that deal with various aspects of cyber security on a daily basis.

Application with Early Bird participation price is 570 EUR until April 30.

More information and registration here.

From 8 to 10 July 2024, the Circular Built Environment Hub of the Faculty of Architecture is organising the third summer school on circularity in the built environment. Students (bachelor and master), PhD students and professionals are welcome to participate in the summer school.

Download the flyer on this summer school here.

Be part of this year’s International Summer School in Munich
Dive into Learning! Join our International Summer School focused on Sustainable Energies and Entrepreneurship! Embrace a vibrant and international learning experience filled with discussions on innovative business models, renewable energy technologies, and sustainable practices. On top of that, gain impactful research insights from the TUM SEED Center. Don't miss this opportunity to explore how entrepreneurship can drive positive change for our planet.

The program fees of € 990 include 2 weeks of classes, lectures by excellent academics, discussions with sustainable founders, interactive activities and group work, and a certificate from the TUM School of Management (6 ECTS).

Have we piqued your interest? Then watch this video and learn more about what our graduates have to say about the International Summer School: 

UBC Vancouver Summer Program (VSP) is gearing up for another amazing summer!  The VSP is a wonderful opportunity for undergraduate students to study at the beautiful University of British Columbia, Vancouver Campus.  By offering globally relevant academic courses and sociocultural activities specific to Vancouver and its surroundings, the VSP encourages students to engage in cross-disciplinary learning and develop their understanding of Canadian culture and values.

These 2 sessions will be offered for summer 2024:

  • June Session:  starts June 7, 2024 to July 7, 2024, Application Deadline: March 22, 2024 (*extended from March 1, 2024)
  • July Session:  starts July 12, 2024 to August 12, 2024, Application Deadline: April 24, 2024 (*extended from April 5, 2024)

Details of VSP 2024, including application requirements, details of the 80+ course packages on offer, and application instructions can be found on our website While we have extended the application deadline for the June and July sessions, we encourage students to submit their applications as soon as possible to leave ample time to apply for the required travel document to enter Canada.

Most of the course packages at VSP do not require applicants to have prior knowledge in the disciplines – this make VSP a great opportunity for students to explore topics outside of their majors, such as:

If you have any questions or inquiries, please contact us at If you’d like, sign-up to receive our newsletter, the VSP Scoop, here.

We are very pleased to invite your students to attend the 2024 International Summer School at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid which will run from June 24th to July 26th 2024 in Madrid.

The UPM International Summer School (ISS) is a five-week multilingual study abroad programme, addressing some of the latest trends in technology, engineering and architecture, combined with a taste of Spanish language and culture in one of Europe’s most cosmopolitan cities. The UPM ISS programme offers a wide range of short courses of varying length taught in Spanish or English. Participants are free to put together their own track by combining courses with compatible schedules. The UPM ISS gives participants the chance to learn basic Spanish language and culture, and the social programme includes weekend activities, such as day trips to top attractions like Toledo, Segovia and Alcalá de Henares, and guided walks around Madrid and visits to the Prado and the Queen Sofía Art Museums

The deadline for applications is 19 April 2024 (students will be admitted on a first come, first served basis). t

There is an early bird rate for students who register before 29 February 2024 and discounts for UPM students.

Website: UPM Summer School 2024


Get ready for Valencia Mediterranean Lifestyle (VML), July 3rd-16th 2024, the ultimate Summer School providing a unique learning program and a powerful cultural immersion!

VML Summer School is a two-week unique experience to enjoy Mediterranean Lifestyle, our healthy and friendly way of living. Students will improve their academic competences through daily lectures in Arts & Culture, Science & Technology and Health & Nutrition.

Check our videoclip at  and find our flyer below for full info.

Flyer - VML Summer School - 3-16 July 2024 

Zhejiang University is pleased to announce that the applications for our inaugural Global Research Immersion Program for Young Scientists (GripS) are now open!

The GripS program is co-developed by four esteemed universities in China’s Yangtze River Delta region, namely Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, University of Science and Technology of China in Hefei, Fudan University in Shanghai and Nanjing University in Nanjing. The program will be held on campus from June to August 2024. Zhejiang University is happy to welcome students from all over the globe to GripS, which offers valuable research opportunities and rich cultural experience. 

The program allows students to elevate their undergraduate journey by working closely with esteemed professors at one of the four universities. Students will be able to immerse themselves in a rewarding research experience, discover the region's innovative potential, and become part of a community of global thinkers who are actively shaping the future. Opportunities for cultural interaction will also be provided by the four host universities such as company visits, city tours and Chinese culture events in the Yangtze River Delta region.

Kortare utbyten

Fler möjligheter till kortare utbyten finns nedan. 

Live a memorable experience at INSA Lyon, the National Institute of Science and Technology, one of France's leading engineering schools. Human'INSA is a 3-week program in June-July 2024 (24 June to 15 July). 

Track 1. Students should choose between:

  • Option 1. Humanitarian Engineering
  • Option 2. Artificial Intelligence

Track 2. French Language and Cross-Cultural Communication

  • Track 2 is compulsory.
  • Introduction to French as a foreign language and development of intercultural competence.

Who can apply

  • For the Humanitarian Engineering option, priority is given to graduate students with a specialization in Humanitarian Engineering, but all interested Science and Engineering students are invited to apply
  • The Artificial Intelligence option is an entry level course open to all Science and Engineering students at undergraduate or graduate level
  • French language classes in Track 2 are divided into groups from beginners to advanced-level students

How to apply

  • Application period: From February 4, 2024 to April 15, 2024
  • More information: HUMAN'INSA

The Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP) is glad to announce the 2nd edition of the BIP on Circular Economy, together with the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-Barcelona Tech, Spain, and the University of Naples Federico II, Italy.

Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) on Circular Economy

  • 03/06 – 14/06 – virtual component
  • 17/06 – 21/06 – physical component in Porto
  • 26/06 – 12/07 – virtual component

Application deadline: 29 March 2024, using this form.

Video and Complete Info:

This BIP is aimed at Master's and PhD students interested in the field of engineering, technology or science who wish to complement their knowledge in the area of circular economy through alternative pedagogical methodologies that combine distance and face-to-face teaching activities through a period of mobility.

The curricular unit includes 81 total hours, where 26 contact hours are distributed by one week (16 h) of presential activities, including field visits, talks, and group work, and 10 hours of virtual sessions, including the introductory session, talks/seminars with experts, presentation and pre-analysis of the case studies and final presentations of the assignments.

The teaching and pedagogical program will allow the students to:

  • Understand the concept of circular economy, main principles, actions, and models;
  • Analyze the current linear models, based on practical cases, and review them in light of the circular economy;
  • Identify opportunities for improvement in current processes and products;
  • Develop and influence new relations of production, distribution, and consumption;
  • Develop transversal competencies, such as problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity, and leadership through interdisciplinary group work.

Professors organizing this BIP:

  • Joana Maia Dias, FEUP, UPorto, Portugal
  • Jordi Segalàs, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-Barcelona Tech, Spain
  • Massimiliano Fabbricino, University of Naples Federico II, Italy

Students are expected to be funded with ERASMUS+ grants for short mobility, provided by the Home Institutions.

For more information, please refer to this page or contact us on

Page Manager: | 2024-04-26