How to apply for your second semester
To study at LTH as an exchange student for the entire academic year, your home university must have a formal exchange agreement with LTH and you should have been nominated for the entire period.
Application procedure
You apply via SoleMOVE. You will receive specific information about the application process for exchange studies from LTH.
The application periods for nominated exchange students are:
- Deadline for Autumn semester (September-January): 15 April
- Deadline for Spring semester (January-June): 15 October
How to complete your online application
Step #1 - Relevant documents
You are required to:
- Review all the previous submitted documents.
- Update documents if necessary.
- Submit all documents in English.
- Rename the documents like in the example below and upload them again (if you have not done so previously).
For example: First name_Last name_Transcript of records.
- Make sure to check information regarding all documents.
Stating your educational background and work experience.
You do not need to submit a new version. You should rename the document as suggest above.
You do not need to submit a new statement of purpose.
You can submit the old statement of purpose after you have renamed it. Check the information above.
If you have a newer Transcript of Records from your home university in English, upload it in SoleMOVE.
If you do not have a new version, you can upload the 'old' transcript of records after you have renamed it. Check the information above.
If not included in the transcript of records from your home university.
You can reuse the document from your previous application. You can rename it and upload it again. Check information above.
You should include a list of courses you are currently pursuing at LTH during the Autumn semester.
Ladok Certificate of registration is recommended.
Fill in the eligibility form below and upload it in your application. It should contain information regarding the courses that you have taken (or are taking) that are relevant as pre-requisites to LTH courses of your interest. Include all LTH requirements, both Admission requirements and Assumed prior knowledge.
Mandatory for students that want to pursue courses in engineering.
Step #1 Read the Eligibility form instructions
Step #2 Fill in the Eligibility form
You do not need to submit a new portfolio. Rename and upload your portfolio as recommended above.
Step #2 - Study plan
Create your Study Plan. Choose courses adding up to 30 credits and state at least one alternative per course.
It is your responsibility to ensure that courses studied at Lund University can be included as an accredited part of your degree programme, please check with your home university to ask if credit transfer is permitted before coming to Lund. It is not possible to change courses after the semester has started.
Information on how to create your Study Plan
Please note that:
- A minimum of 15 credits has to be studied at LTH, Faculty of Engineering.
- In SoleMOVE, when checking your Proposed Study Plan, be aware that the courses are sorted alphabetically. To able to see the courses sorted per semester, you need to click on 'Last edited on'.