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Learning support for students with disabilities

To receive educational support, you must:

  • be admitted to a course or programme at the University
  • have a document certifying your permanent disability
  • apply for support

Certificate and application for support

To receive learning support, you need a certificate that proves your permanent disability and is issued by a licensed healthcare professional. 

How to apply for support

Once you have received your admission letter and certificate as stated above, you make an application via NAIS (National Administration and Information System). In the application, you describe your disability and how it affects your studies, together with the attached certificate (if this is the first time you are applying).

Apply via NAIS

What happens next?

  • Once your application has been processed, you will be contacted by a coordinator at Learning Support LU.
  • After a conversation with the coordinator, you will receive a message about support where decisions and recommendations are described.
  • You show the message to the relevant teachers and administrators on the occasions when you want to use the support.

Do you have questions about learning support?

Coordinators at Learning support, Lund University

Lina Ferm
(exept M, K, F and N)

Philip Johansson
Lunds Tekniska Högskola (M,K,F och N)

Carina Argelius
Campus Helsingborg
046-222 34 30

Students with disabilities (Lund University's website)

Further support at LTH

We will act as your contact once you have received your notification of support and if you have any questions. 

Coordinator at LTH: 

Ida Jackson and Elna Andersson

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